Addiction is increasing common in older care recipients cr the following are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about addiction in older crs…

Try: Addiction is increasing common in older care recipients cr the following are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about addiction in older crs it’s his last pleasure let him drink addiction is never pleasurable for the person addiction is a thief robbing older adults of their relationships with children grandchildren and friends it steals dignity and health the true joy of life returns when the cr becomes sober the problem is temporary she drinks to deal with her grief loneliness insomnia etc crs drink for many different reasons drinking to solve problems is always unhealthy alcohol only masks the problem and prevents people from implementing solutions if the drinking stops the problem still exists the cr is too old to change older adults have the highest success rate in treatment of any age group believing people of a certain age cannot recover is incorrect it it’s unlikely someone the cr’s age will become addicted to alcohol or other drugs addiction doesn’t discriminate based on age the aging body is more susceptible to the effects of drugs which may cause addiction to occur more quickly you can’t help a cr until he wants help most addicted crs die before reaching out for help on their own many crs will not seek help until family or friends intervene information references www agingandaddiction net

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Keywords: Addiction misconceptions

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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