Try: A certified diabetes educator cde is a health professional registered nurse rn registered dietitian rd pharmacist physician etc who has been trained and certified as an expert in diabetes education and management resources for finding help if you cannot find a cde you may find a nurse or rd interested in diabetes and willing to help you you can locate a cde in your area by calling the american association of diabetes educators aade awareness hotline at 800 team-up-4 they will ask for your zip code and help you find a cde near you you may also want to look for a diabetes-education program that offers individual or group classes the american diabetes association has a list of recognized diabetes programs in your area call 800 diabetes or go to www diabetes org for this information if there isn’t a recognized diabetes center near you call your local hospital and ask about a diabetes education program or diabetes educators on staff information references "101 tips for staying healthy 2nd edition" by schade d s and associates 1999 university of new mexico american diabetes association www diabetes org
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Diabetes diabetes educator health care providers blood sugar problems blood glucose
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed