A Care recipient (cr) with dementia will sometimes have the desire to go home the following are possible causes of this behavior physiological or medical…

Try: A Care recipient (cr) with dementia will sometimes have the desire to go home the following are possible causes of this behavior physiological or medical causes direct result of physical changes in the brain unable to recognize home as home due to memory loss or changes in perception depression environmental causes stress level too high too much activity or noise can make the person want to go home feels bored due to not enough activity recent move to new unfamiliar place other causes feels insecure or frightened about the changes taking place in self or life "home" means home of childhood people with dementing illnesses may be searching for a home that no longer exists "home" means a time when life felt more comfortable information references robinson a spencer b & white l 1992 adapted from understanding difficult behaviors geriatric education center of michigan

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Dementia

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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