Try: Is the floor plan well designed and easy to follow are doorways hallways and rooms accommodating to wheelchairs and walkers are elevators available for those unable to use stairways and handrails to aid in walking are floors of a non-skid material and carpets conducive for safe walking 8does the residence have good lighting sprinklers and clearly marked exits is the residence clean free of odors and appropriately heated cooled what is the facility facility’s means of security if a resident wanders are the common areas in general attractive comfortable and clean is there an outside courtyard or patio for residents and visitors can they garden does the residence provide ample security and is there an emergency evacuation plan are there different sizes and types of units available with optional floor plans are single units available and or double occupancy units for sharing with another person does residence have furnished unfurnished rooms what is provided or what can they bring may they decorate their own rooms is there adequate storage space is a 24-hour emergency response system accessible from the unit with own lockable door are bathrooms private with handicapped accommodations for wheelchairs and walkers do all units have a telephone and cable tv and how is billing handled does kitchen unit have refrigerator sink cooking element and can food be kept in their units may residents smoke in their units or are there designated public areas information references "assisted living facility alf checklist " available at www carepathways com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Maintenance, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Assisted living facilities checklist housing moving
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed