Medicare enrollees are not required to buy a medigap policy it is optional coverage individuals must generally have medicare part a and part b before…

Try: Medicare enrollees are not required to buy a medigap policy it is optional coverage individuals must generally have medicare part a and part b before they can purchase a medigap policy medigap policies fill part of the gaps in coverage that medicare parts a and b don’t cover enrollees will have to pay the medicare part b premium and a premium to an insurance company for the additional medigap policy most people enroll in medicare at age 65 within six months of first signing up for medicare part b medicare has an open enrollment period enrollees have guaranteed enrollment in a medigap policy during this time after the open enrollment period the insurance company may require medical screening or may require additional testing before issuing a policy however during the open enrollment period an insurance company must sell you the policy of your choice regardless of your medical history the insurance provider isn’t permitted to place any additional limitations on the plans coverage and the premiums must be the same for everyone else when they first purchased the medigap policy it is also important to note that not everyone can buy any medigap policy at any time individuals may be limited by when they apply or the previous coverage they had medicare enrollees must consider these restrictions when buying a medigap policy

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Categories: Legal, Medical Physical

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*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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