Try: # offer to help the cr fill out a living will #living will kits are available from most hospitals ask for them in the social services department reference librarians may also help you locate living will forms online or in legal reference books # encourage the cr to think and talk about his or her life ask if the cr has any questions he or she would like to ask family members about his or her relationships with them let the cr talk about the relationships without judgment # encourage the family to think about the cr cr’s life family history and accomplishments the video recorder can be used to record people people’s thoughts interviews with the cr and footage of significant places or objects # gather a list of questions for the cr by asking each family member to submit one or two questions to the person who will interview the cr # encourage the cr and the family to discuss religious beliefs # ask the cr about any instructions they would like to give you regarding a will or belongings not covered in a will respect the cr cr’s privacy in these areas especially if talking about them will lead to tension around the cr or pressure from relatives
Materials: Video recorder list of questions from family members do-it-yourself living will kit
Categories: Legal, Spiritual
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed