Try: When considering assisted living asking the following questions before you move in to a facility can save a lot of money along the same line as hotel ratings can you manage to be comfortable in a "3 star" moderate facility as opposed to needing a "5 star" luxury facility are you able to forgo a room with special views a location close to common areas ground floor or with a balcony and patio are you willing to move to a facility that is in a lower traffic possibly quiet urban setting with less nearby conveniences such as shopping center complexes are you willing to relocate to an overall lower cost of living area that may be some distance from your current home are you willing to reduce your square footage living requirements substantially which may accommodate only a few special pieces of furniture are you willing to share an apartment or room with a roommate or share a bathroom in a suite arrangement will you consider moving to a new facility with no prior track record or established reputation but that may offer new residents special moving in rates is family willing and able to share with some of the maintenance chores such as housekeeping laundry and transportation is family willing and able to purchase medications and supplies outside of facility at lower prices if you or your spouse is independent and in good health will you consider living in the independent senior apartment area and bringing in outside help for the more dependent one information references "tips for cutting costs of assisted living" by clare absher available at www carepathways com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Financial, Maintenance, Personal
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Housing assisted living budget budgeting money
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed