Try: What what’s involved with the moving in out process is there a written statement available of the resident rights and responsibilities is a contractual agreement available that clearly discloses healthcare accommodations personal care supportive services all fees as well as admission and discharge provisions find out what the payment schedule is and if residents own or rent their unit how much is the monthly fee how often can it be increased and for what reasons is there a limit on the amount of increase per year what is the history on monthly fee increases are residents required to purchase renters insurance for personal property in their units do billing payment and credit policies seem fair and reasonable may resident handle his own finances with staff assistance if able must a family member outside party be designated when may a contract be terminated and what are the policies for refunds and transfers is there an appeals process for dissatisfied residents what happens if funds are depleted and full payments can no longer be made is there any government private or corporate programs available to help cover the costs what additional services are available if the resident resident’s needs change is staff available to coordinate these services is there a procedure to pay for additional services such as skilled nursing care or physical therapy when the services are needed on a temporary basis information references "independent living community ilc checklist " available at www carepathways com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Financial, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Independence, No Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Independent living checklist evaluate housing moving
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed