Moving out of the home into a care facility can be difficult for the Care recipient (cr) here are some tips for making the move easier for the cr

Try: Begin with hiring help for basic chores such as mowing the lawn or running errands as the need for care progresses add more in-home care this is more cost effective and eases the transition discuss these issues with the cr talk about their medical issues and what their options are for long-term care making a decision may not happen overnight so be patient with them as they think over their feelings and weigh their options be flexible with the cr when staying at home is no longer realistic sit down to talk about assisted living centers or nursing homes allow them to make many of the decisions on their own if possible bring their doctor into the discussion and other family members plan ahead with legal issues long before a long-term care decision must be made consider the legal issues that may arise talk to your cr about finances durable power of attorney and other legal factors seek professional help from a local elder law attorney if possible remember to focus on the cr when you do place the cr in an assisted living center or nursing home visit them often and talk with them daily if at all possible pay attention to their care follow up on any complaints and become an advocate for them

Materials: n/a

Categories: Financial, Medical Physical, Social

Information: n/a

References: Eldercarelink com

Keywords: Assisted living

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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