Try: Insurance is an important tool for protecting yourself against risk for instance health insurance pays your doctor and hospital bills if you get sick or injured but how can you protect yourself against the significant financial risk posed by the potential need for long-term care services either in a nursing home or in your own home long-term care goes beyond medical care and nursing care to include all the assistance you could need if you ever have a chronic illness or disability that leaves you unable to care for yourself for an extended period of time you can receive long-term care in a nursing home assisted living facility or in your own home though older people use the most long-term care services a young or middle-aged person who has been in an accident or suffered a debilitating illness might also need long-term care beyond nursing homes there is a range of services available in the community to help meet long-term care needs visiting nurses home health aides friendly visitor programs home-delivered meals chore services adult daycare centers and respite services for caregivers who need a break from daily responsibilities can supplement care given by family members finding long term care services these services are becoming more widely available some or all of them may be found in your community your local area agency on aging or office on aging can help you locate the services you need call the eldercare locator at 800-677-1116 to identify your local office information references "guide to long-term care ltc insurance" by america’s health insurance plans 2004 available at www pueblo gsa gov
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Financial, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Long term care insurance nursing home home health aides
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed