Try: #assess the cr’s daily calorie intake by planning meals and counting calories or carbohydrates calorie and carbohydrate books are sold in bookstores and available free online weigh the cr weekly so that changes in weight will be noticed they are sometimes hard to observe when we see someone everyday #try offering five or six small meals a day rather than three large meals a day #offer favorite foods #whenever possible sit with the cr for meals #offer a drink with or after each meal depending on whether drinking with the meal discourages the cr from eating talk to the cr’s doctor if medication or swallowing concerns must be considered boost the calorie count of food if necessary by adding powdered milk bananas nutritional supplements or pudding mix to drinks and shakes #when possible offer the cr a choice of foods limit the choice if the cr has difficulty making decisions #if the cr is on a low-sodium diet add zest to the meal by flavoring food with different herbs and spices #set up the cr’s meal in a pleasant clean place offer most meals in that place and keep it clean and uncluttered #offer snacks with activities such as watching television or playing cards but don’t offer activities with meals as the activities distract the cr from eating #make sure the cr is eating a balanced diet that includes protein
Materials: Calorie carbohydrate-counting book powdered milk bananas liquid nutritional supplements pudding mix if necessary herbs and spices if enjoyed balanced diet pleasant uncluttered eating place
Categories: Feeding Eating, Housekeeping Home Maintenance, Meal Preparation, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed