Try: #the adult child buys a digital picture frame and checks to see how many pictures it can hold #the adult child gathers photos to share with the distant parent cr and has them digitalized this can be done at home with proper software or at a photo service #once digitalized the photos are put onto the digital picture frame #after the digital frame is set up the adult child sends it to the cr along with a package of batteries if required #the digital frame displays a changing series of photos the adult child wants to share many crs will particularly enjoy pictures of grandchildren if any
Materials: Caregiver pictures old and new that adult child wants to share digital picture frame sold at most department stores digital camera sold at electronic and department stores batteries if needed phone with speaker feature
Categories: Communication, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed