Care recipient (cr) will be dying soon and wants to say goodbye to family members and friends however some of these individuals live a considerable distance away and will not be able to arrive in time to talk to the cr in person

Try: Make arrangements for the cr to have a phone conversation with family and friends talk to the cr and make up a list of everyone that he or she would like to contact to say goodbye if the cr is not able to help you develop the list due to physical or cognitive challenges use your best judgement as to who should be contacted get input from others if needed if necessary contact everyone on the list and set up a time for a phone conversation with the cr when the pre-arranged time comes #place the phone near the cr #call the friend or family member #hold the phone up to the cr cr’s ear so that a phone conversation can take place #tell the cr that you are willing to leave the room if he or she wants a private conversation the cr should let know know if that is the case #check with the cr periodically to see how this process is working and make adjustments as needed #consider using a speakerphone instead of regular phone or cell phone if it would make things easier for the cr #after the phone conversation is completed take the phone from the cr hang up and go on to the next call

Materials: Pen and notepad regular telephone cell phone or speakerphone with a loud volume

Categories: Communication, Emotional Psychological, Social, Spiritual, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Saying goodbye end of life grieving hospice

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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