Try: Find someone with strong spiritual beliefs who is available and willing to talk to the cr that individual could be you if you are comfortable discussing spiritual matters or it could be someone else if you are not this tip assumes that you are the one discussing spiritual faith with the cr keep an open mind and maintain a non-judgmental attitude be honest trustworthy and respectful of the cr ask the cr what his or her spiritual faith and beliefs are ask the cr questions to clarify and explain personal faith and beliefs accept the cr cr’s beliefs and meet the cr on his or her level of faith regardless of what it is if you are not familiar with the cr cr’s faith or religion ask the cr to tell you about it and how he or she came to those beliefs also ask about the cr cr’s culture so that you can better understand if the cr asks you about your personal faith and beliefs be honest and open keep all of your explanations very simple allow the cr to ask questions as he or she feels comfortable doing if you are asked a question that you cannot answer be honest and say that you do not know the answer this may provide the cr with the freedom to validate his or her own feelings and resolve questions about spiritual faith have an open honest and non-threatening discussion regarding any spiritual needs that the cr has for example baptism communion need for a spiritual counselor or mentor and so on make arrangements for these needs to be met if at all possible let the cr take the lead regarding how deep the discussion about spiritual faith goes honor the cr cr’s wishes and let him or her know that you are always available for more discussion maintain good eye contact and hold the cr cr’s hand if he or she is comfortable with physical touch ask the cr if you can say a prayer many cr cr’s will accept your offer even if he or she has a different faith than yours or no faith if the cr refuses accept the refusal even in serious discussions of spiritual faith humor can be used appropriately and effectively humor may provide an opening to break barriers that hard facts cannot
Materials: n/a
Categories: Communication, Emotional Psychological, Spiritual, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Spiritual seekers transformation renewal spiritual growth revival new life
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed