Try: #you may still be a child in the eyes of the cr and therefore will not be taken seriously #it is very difficult to be a parent for your parent #when you need to meet with the cr to discuss the situation have the meeting in a social setting restaurant etc where the suggestions can evolve out of a general conversation rather than being perceived as an ultimatum on the cr’s turf #start the discussion with non-threatening conversation before gradually tackling the difficult issues #be an active listener and try to understand the cr’s point of view #if your meeting with the cr is unsuccessful it may be helpful to designate a voice of authority to speak for you this could be a family physician attorney pastor or respected family friend #in many cases you will get the brunt of the bad behavior as the primary cg an outside party acting as your advocate may have more success in talking to the cg and arriving at a solution for the care needs
Materials: Trusted voice of authority if helpful
Categories: Communicating, Emotional Psychological
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed