Try: The jewish religion has definitive mourning and bereavement rituals information the body is buried within 3 days in a plain cloth and a plain coffin to identify the humble servant immediate family members rend a garment symbolizing the tear in the fabric of life immediate family members do not leave the house or work for 7 days during this 7 days a minyan 10 adults visits to home of the deceased bring food and participate in morning and evening prayers the hevra kadisha is a holy society that prepares the body for burial by washing the body and saying prayers the kaddish is the prayer for the deceased that exhorts submission to divine will references adapted from material found in the book caregiving the spiritual journey of love loss and renewal by beth witrogen mcleod
Materials: n/a
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Personal, Social, Spiritual
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Spirituality grief judaism jew jewish bereavement death mourning
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed