The Care recipient (cr) often forgets what he or she was going to say during conversations

Try: # summarize cr’s statements # say to the cr if i understand you right you are saying that you _____ # assist the cr with writing out his or her thoughts and plans # remind cr of earlier ideas they had and assist him or her with writing them down # suggest that cr keep a small pad and pen with him or her so that they can jot down ideas or thoughts and refer to them later # use post-it notes to place reminders on bathroom mirror refrigerator front door any place where they will be visible throughout the day # assists the cr with using a daily planner to organize his or her days # remind the cr to check his or her idea note pad several times a day

Materials: # calendar # note pad or journal # pencil pen # post it notes

Categories: Cognitive Intellectual

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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