Try: Place things to do reminders on post-it notes or a dry erase board in common areas place a calendar on refrigerator or medicine cabinet display a daily schedule summarize conversations with the cr so that he or she knows what was said keep important items in the same place and display a written list in a common area such as on the fridge example keys hanging by the door mail on the dinning room table reading glasses on the night stand tv remotes on the tv etc establish a regular time and place for the cr to eat and drink such as the dining room put a label on the clothes hamper that’ says dirty encourage the cr to keep a pen and small pad in their pocket so he or she can keep track of what needs to be done there is laundry in the washer
Materials: Post-it notes pen dry erase board small pads of paper
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed