Try: #with the doctor or pharmacist’s help coordinate the antibiotic dosing schedule with a pre-existing pill schedule if there is one also check with the doctor or pharmacist to see if the antibiotic needs to be taken with food and coordinate the schedule with meals #if the cr is easily confused and lives alone suggest that the doctor consider the medicine schedule possible # pill organizers come in a variety of styles an organizer that lists the days of the week and has room for one to four doses per day allows the cr and the caregiver to easily see whether or not a scheduled dose has been taken #a caregiver can assist the cr in filling pill organizers a week in advance the pill box should be kept where it can be easily seen and easily used #some pill organizers come with alarms that can be programmed to ring when it is time to take a pill or an alarm clock in the home can be set to go off when doses are scheduled many alarm clocks have two settings if necessary two alarm clocks can be used to go off up to four times #a caregiver helping a cr with memory problems can check the pill box often and regularly to confirm that the pills are being taken #special consideration should be given to a cr who needs to take medication at a time when he or she is regularly out of the home a small pill box and a wristwatch alarm or a pillbox with a build-in alarm may be useful options
Materials: Consultation with doctor or pharmacist if necessary caregiver alarm clock with two settings two alarm clocks if necessary pill organizer with alarm setting if desired
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Medical Physical, Independence, Some Supervision, Vision, Good Vision, Hearing, Good Hearing, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed