Some care recipients cr struggle with prescription drug abuse as crs age their bodies absorb metabolize distribute and eliminate drugs differently than when they were…

Try: Some care recipients cr struggle with prescription drug abuse as crs age their bodies absorb metabolize distribute and eliminate drugs differently than when they were younger normal adult doses of medication both prescription and over-the-counter can cause dangerous side effects and toxicity due to age older crs may misuse medications without knowing it some crs or seniors intentionally abuse mood-altering medications sleeping aids tranquillizers and pain pills are common medications of abuse seeking pleasurable effects or attempting to ease feelings of grief and loneliness crs take larger doses than recommended over time they develop a tolerance to the drug achieving the same effect requires more and more of the drug family members may believe that when a cr becomes addicted to prescription drugs the primary care physician will diagnose the problem unfortunately many doctors overlook abuse in older patients caregivers sometimes ignore a suspected addiction to prescription drugs out of a misguided sense of protecting the cr’s privacy they allow the problem to continue thinking the cr and his doctor will handle the problem but this can lead to even bigger problems caregivers must educate themselves partner with medical professionals consult with addiction specialists and learn to properly intervene on addiction information references www agingandaddiction net

Materials: n/a

Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Substance abuse addiction

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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