Try: It it’s important for the cr to be able to easily call his or her friends family and or caregiver at all times especially when he or she needs help help the cr program emergency numbers into the phone and make several lists to place by each phone the cr may also need a smaller cell or portable phone to carry with him or her at all times in case of a fall or other emergency discuss the caller id feature and encourage the cr not to answer if he or she does not recognize the number allow the answering machine to screen the call first also discuss scams and telemarketers
Materials: Programmable phone with large numbers and caller id smaller cell or portable phone phone number list
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Social, So-So Vision, So-So Hearing
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Telephone phone calls elderly scams emergency
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed