Try: Epilepsy affects every age group the rate of people newly diagnosed epilepsy is actually higher in older care recipients cr than in middle-aged adults as in younger people the cause of epilepsy that begins in an elderly cr cannot be determined in about half of the cases in crs where the cause can be determined the largest number of cases are caused by stroke often a small one that did not cause other symptoms degenerative disorders such as alzheimer alzheimer’s disease and tumors are other significant causes older crs are more sensitive than younger people to a variety of mental physical and environmental stressors they are also more likely to develop many medical neurological and psychiatric disorders some of which can make seizures more likely to occur such disorders that are common in older crs include metabolic changes such as very high or very low blood sugar very low sodium levels and diabetes information references epilepsy com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Epilepsy seizure seniors
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed