caregiver (cg) would like ideas on how to make things go better when traveling with the Care recipient (cr) there are instances when a cr who lives independently most of the time needs extra help when travel is required for either business or pleasure here are some suggestions that could make traveling easier and more enjoyable for both the cr and cg

Try: If you have only limited travel experience and are not comfortable with all modes of travel consider asking someone else who has more travel experience and knowledge to accompany and assist the cr with the trip make sure you know exactly how much of your time will be devoted to the care giving role and how much time you will have on your own discuss expenses with the cr before you leave on the trip make an agreement about what specific expenses will be covered by the cr and which ones will be your responsibility communicate thoroughly regarding what travel arrangements need to be made and who will take care of them some of the details to plan include the travel itinerary transportation lodging reservations directions and special needs at airports other important details include and any medical

Materials: n/a

Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Financial, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Personal, Social, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware

Information: That should be taken on the trip along with medications and medical equipment decide who is going to pay for the meals and set a cap or limit on the price of each meal to avoid confusion or resentment during the trip before you leave on the trip agree with the cr that unforeseen challenges will be discussed openly and honestly this may help you come up with a temporary solution that keeps the trip from being disrupted try to make arrangements for you to have some time off from care giving each day if possible when you get back home share your photos from the trip with the cr and consider giving him or her a set as well discuss all of the fun that you had on the trip and your shared experiences information

References: Adapted from www disaboom com

Keywords: Travel communication transportation reservations

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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