Try: Care recipients crs with dementia have common behavioral and psychiatric symptoms if you can identify these symptoms you may be able to provide better assistance to the cr physiological or medical causes progressive deterioration of brain cells underlying medical conditions that cause pain for example ear infections sinus infections urinary or respiratory tract infections constipation or problems with hearing or vision some of these medical conditions can be corrected with proper treatment side effects of medications when the cr is taking multiple medications for several health conditions there is more potential for drug interactions environmental causes environmental influences such as moving to a new residence or nursing home wanting to go home or worrying about people from the past the cr may find the new situations a threat for example a change in the caregiver the cr may experience fear and fatique that results from trying to make sense of an increasingly confusing world information references adapted from mace n & rabins p 2006 the 36-hour day baltimore the johns hopkins university press
Materials: n/a
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Alzheimer alzheimer’s
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed