Try: Here are some simple suggestions to help both the cr and cg cope with the losses of later life and discover some of the joys make the best of what you have get a regular physical exam your doctor can help with your current medical ailments through medications and other forms of treatment the routine physical exam may also detect serious ailments cancer diabetes and so on early enough for effective treatment take good care of your eyes get a regular eye exam and use higher wattage light bulbs in the areas where you work and read maintain a healthy diet exercise on a regular basis getting up and moving around frequently may be just as beneficial as a workout walking also provides you with quiet time to be with god meditate and pray don’t become complacent and rust out turn off the tv and read a good book learn about something new and interesting take some noncredit courses that are offered at local schools churches and organizations find a topic that you are passionate and learn more about it you may be surprised that there are others who share your same interests and would love to talk check out elder hostels they provide low-cost mini-courses and companionship both nationally and internationally research your family tree you may learn some interesting history about your family as you keep your brain active don’t overlook more trivial pastimes such as playing cards board games or crossword puzzles recover your sense of value rightly or wrongly we often define ourselves by what we do for a living you may lose your sense of value when you are no longer actively working however leaving the workforce can provide you with more leisure time than you ever had before you can obviously use this time to do the fun things that you enjoy such as travel and getting together with friends however you can also rediscover your sense of value by using the skills that you acquired over your lifetime in volunteer work and other worthwhile endeavors you do not need to let your skills rust just because you are no longer working full time there are an unlimited number of volunteer opportunities available to you it is a blessing to use your gifts and passions to help other people for example habitat for humanity uses volunteers to build homes for families who otherwise would not be able to afford it museums welcome outgoing individuals to be tour guides consider teaching a class at a local social services center or community education program you could also deliver meals to the homebound or become a tutor mentor for a student at a local school you can also recover your sense of value by becoming friends with young people this can be a mutually beneficial relationship they have much to learn from your lifetime of knowledge and experience the companionship may help you ward off loneliness consider yourself an elder who has many worthwhile things to do and share the joys of grand parenting can also help you recover a sense of value even if the grandkids do not live close by you can still stay in touch through phone calls letters email and social media enjoy the freedom to be yourself you have spent much of your lifetime pleasing others such as supervisors co-workers friends and family it is now time to cut loose be yourself and have some fun without worrying about what other people think shed the illusion of independence celebrate your interdependence on others and your total dependence on god
Materials: n/a
Categories: Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Social, Spiritual, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from care notes published by abbey press in st meinrad in coping with all the losses of later life
Keywords: Aging joy mission service volunteerism activity rediscovery
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed