Try: Try to reduce noise and other distractions when thinking is required try to avoid the need to multitask , this will help cr do one thing at a time try to give cr directions in short sentences containing one to two pieces of
Materials: Pen paper appointment book
Categories: Sage, Topic, Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware
Information: Try to break tasks into small steps and write them out try offering cr limited choices and avoid asking cr open-ended questions for example ask do you want beef or chicken for dinner instead of what do you want to eat try using simple to-do lists and a calendar or appointment book try to plan activities so that the same type of thing happens at the same time every day try to get into a regular routine so that cr doesn’t have to rely so much on his her memory
References: a caregiver’s guide to huntington’s disease by huntington’s disease society of america 2011 available at www hdsa org
Keywords: Distracted prioritize memory routine focus attention forgets forgetfulness
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed