Try: Try using a call bell like those at hotel desks bicycle horn or other noisemaker so that cr can signal that he she needs or wants something a laser pointer can be useful for cr to point to something he she wants or needs try using a pictorial dictionary basic letter boards and picture boards to help cr express his her needs these can be made with a computer using large type and clip art elementary school flash cards can be used in a variety of ways to help cer communicate as well try using index cards to help cr communicate most commonly needed items and expressions bedpan water thank you sorry i love you help laminate them to last longer try putting labels on all objects in the room that cr may want to use telephone lamp tv glass book name everything you touch as you use it aphasiacs frequently lose the names of objects or numbers they may call everything a key or person person’s name and although they know dinner is at six they may call it ten o’clock
Materials: Call bell bicycle horn or other noisemaker laser pointer pictorial dictionary basic letter boards picture boards elementary school flash cards index cards adhesive lables black marker
Categories: Sage, Topic, Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Medical Physical, Verbal Communication, So-So Verbal Comm, Poor Verbal Comm
Information: n/a
References: stroke caregiver’s handbook by joyce dreslin no date available at www strokesafe org
Keywords: Aphasia communication trouble speaking trouble finding the right words verbal verbalization talking slurred speech
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed