Try: Encourage cr to identify the problem if the problem has many parts help cr break it down into one problem at a time help cr brainstorm solutions think of as many possibilities as you can help cr evaluate the alternatives consider the pros and cons of each possibility encourage cr to choose a solution the one that seems to fit best for him her suggest that cr try the solution out encourage cr to evaluate the solution if it didn’t work encourage him her to try another solution until he she finds the one that works
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory
Information: # double check my work # write down information in my own words # ask myself do i want to be quick or accurate # when i get bored – stretch take a short break walk around # when i get angry – doodle take a break and then come back # decide on a menu # count number of people eating # look at the needed ingredients # look in the pantry for what you have # prepare shopping list and shop # follow recipe instructions and organize time # serve and eat meal # clean up
References: traumatic brain injury a guide for caregivers of service members and veterans – module 2 by the office of the u s surgeon general no date available at www traumaticbraininjuryatoz org
Keywords: Problem solving decision making disoriented disorganized
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed