Care recipient (cr) having difficulty putting socks on because of difficulty bending over

Try: Buy a sock aid also called a sock donner through a medical supply store or catalog some drug stores may carry them reachers are also available in medical supply stores and many drug stores use a long-handled reacher to bring socks close put sock over sock aid and hold by the straps with both hands put foot into sock aid and pull over foot with both hands

Materials: Long-handled reacher sock aid comfortable and safe place to sit not too high or too low

Categories: Dressing Clothing, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Visually impaired Care recipient (cr) is having trouble telling time even with a large-number clock

Try: Several items are available for the cr to try for instance talking wristwatch available in spanish and english atomic talking watch talking alarm clock talking wristwatches usually have added features such as a large face for easier reading and options for male or female voices atomic clocks set time automatically so less maintenance is needed for example during daylight savings time talking alarm clocks can speak not only the time but also the alarm set time so the cr can wake up when he or she wants

Materials: n/a

Categories: Reading, So-So Vision, Poor Vision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) is experiencing loss of vision but would like to remain independent in writing checks

Try: The larger size of the business checks will allow the cr to see the lines and spaces more easily sometimes these checks can be found with raised lines so that the cr can feel where the lines are a broader tip pen will allow for darker lines which will be more visible to the vision impaired cr

Materials: Large business-size checks imprinted with cr cr’s name address etc and with raised lines and decimal point in the amount space most banks carry these medium to broad point pen

Categories: Money Mgt, Reading, So-So Vision, Poor Vision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Amusement and teaching tool that works for the visually impaired

Try: Make sure to allow 10 to 30 minutes for the game place 2 – 10 items in the box write them down on paper before playing the game let the cr feel the objects in the box and name them ask him or her how the cr would use each object close the box have the cr name what they can remember check off the answers and keep score change some of the items in the box each time you play plan a reward like fresh fruit or a snack

Materials: Box like a shoe box time — 10 to 30 minutes paper and pencil child-safe household objects such as dish brush deck of cards stuffed animal ribbon socks soap play doh music box dice fruit washcloth toothpaste

Categories: Leisure, Memory, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Good Touch, So-So Touch

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) can’t has trouble getting insulin or other syringes into the sharps disposal unit or has a tendency to drop them where he or she cannot reach them

Try: Cut off top of soft drink container to create a wide mouth form the cardboard into a funnel and tape around the top of the bottle like the sharps container tape or attach the container near the place where the cr normally does insulin injections or otherwise uses syringes when full carefully tape off the top and dispose of properly at the pharmacy or in a larger sharps container

Materials: Large plastic soft drink container 3 wide cardboard strip — cut from a box duct tape

Categories: Medication Mgt, Safety, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) has difficulty sitting up in bed

Try: A detachable handle that attaches stably between the mattress and box springs or a standard bed rail can be attached to bed to allow the cr to pull him- herself onto his or her side an inexpensive option is to secure an upright chair to the bedframe to use as a makeshift handle be sure it is attached securely enough to support the cr pulling on it with most of his or her weight

Materials: Bed rail or detachable handle such as the duro-med helping handle chair

Categories: Safety

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) had dementia or similar condition and is a risk for wandering

Try: Hang bells or wind chimes from each door these act as inexpensive alarms hang curtain rods above each door and cover the door with curtains that match the pain color on the wall sliding door bolts and locks can be placed on the tops and bottoms of doors try to place these out of cr cr’s direct line of sight try to make sure that cr always carries a laminated copies of id card and emergency contact numbers either in a purse or wallet or write the

Materials: n/a

Categories: Memory, Safety, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Somewhat Aware, Unaware, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory

Information: Inside clothing on sewn-in or iron-on labels information

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Grief and isolation may affect self-care

Try: Establish a regular time for meals offering food the cr likes pay extra attention to safety issues in the home offer soothing showers and help with brushing teeth to encourage personal care if grief is causing a lack of interest in grooming or hygiene help the cr keep in touch with family members through visits or phone calls make sure medications are being taken or used according to direction talk about the person who has died if the cr wants to talk listen to the cr without being judgmental let the cr talk about death if it’s a concern don’t shut the cr down

Materials: Comfortable home environment sympathetic caregiver willing to listen contact with family members near or far medical supervision

Categories: Bereavement, Communicating, Emotional Psychological, End Of Life, Socialization, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Immobile, No Supervision, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Good Verbal Comm, So-So Verbal Comm, Poor Verbal Comm, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) has difficulty folding laundry

Try: Set up an ironing board in laundry area or most convenient place and use it as a surface to fold clothes this can also be useful for wrapping packages

Materials: Full-size ironing board

Categories: Laundering

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Tips for relieving fecal incontinence

Try: Have the Care recipient (cr) sit on the toilet at the same time every day usually after the first meal of the day try using glycerin suppositories to stimulate bowel movement for the first 3-4 days while establishing this pattern make sure the cr uses the toilet or bedside commode when trying to have a bowel movement as this position will help to fully empty the bowel add fiber slowly to the diet use natural stool softeners so that the stool passes easily like prunes or prune juice ensure the cr is drinking enough fluids in order to keep stool soft help the cr engage in some exercise during each day to help stimulate bowel activity

Materials: Glycerin suppositories fiber supplements or natural foods with fiber prunes or other natural foods to soften stool

Categories: Continence Toileting

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed