Homebound cr who is no longer able to cook gets bored and frustrated

Try: Sit down together and plan the menu and cook the meal orally or virtually go through the preparations step-by-step she probably has tips and tricks that she used in the cooking process that she can share with you she may want to talk you through a recipe while you prepare it and you can both enjoy the finished product together just like a cooking show

Materials: One of her old cookbooks or recipe cards

Categories: None

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) with vision and depth perception impairment has trouble with hallways and doorways

Try: Make doorways to rooms easy to distinguish by painting the door frames a bright contrasting color or put a string of christmas lights around the door frame hallways are hard to negotiate sometimes because it is hard for the cr to see the difference between a tan carpet on the hallway floor from the tan walls of the hall itself try either painting the walls a different color from the floor or attach rope lighting along the bottom of the wall to make it easier for the cr to see this has the added benefit of being a nightlight as well

Materials: n/a

Categories: None

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) wants to wear the same clothes over and over

Try: Cg needs to try to discover if there is a reason behind this action sometimes the cr cannot distinguish between dirty clothing and clean clothing if the cr takes off their clothing at bedtime and is used to either placing the worn outfit at the end of the bed or across a chair it could be that when they wake up in the morning they just see clothing and this triggers the reaction that they need to put the clothing on the solution could be to take the dirty clothing off of the bed or chair after the cr goes to sleep and lay out a clean outfit directly where the dirty outfit was bed or chair when the cr wakes up and sees the clothes they will then put the clean outfit on

Materials: n/a

Categories: None

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

How can a family member who lives away from a parent know when caregiving becomes necessary

Try: Establish a communication network with neighbors and friends of the parent they will probably notice any changes in routine or behavior that could mean there is a problem in other words establish a support network before it becomes a crisis of care make sure the parent leaves a key with a neighbor so entry to the home could be made to check on them if necessary make a list of professionals and their phone numbers so that they can be advocates for you in case of a medical emergency be involved and communicate regularly with your parent and take an interest in their activities and friends if they quit attending regular activities this could mean they are depressed get acquainted with the professionals – doctors and lawyers – who take care of your parents physical and legal matters and keep in touch with them make sure all documents are in place as to healthcare directives or legal matters

Materials: n/a

Categories: None

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

caregiver (cg) is under a great deal of stress and is worried about their own health and well-being

Try: Cg should try to work on areas of stress that can be changed and find ways to deal less stressfully to those that can’t be changed even though cg cannot control a stressful situation they can control the way they react to it calm down physically – remove yourself both physically and emotionally from a stressful situation even if it is just for a short period of time count to 10 and take deep breaths go to another room and put some soothing music on make your thoughts positive rather than negative don’t dwell on the things that have gone wrong with the day point out the things that have gone right give yourself permission to feel sorry for yourself but set a time limit of two or three minutes

Materials: n/a

Categories: None

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

Care recipient (cr) living at home is beginning to lose track of bill payments some go unpaid while others are double paid

Try: # ask the cr if he or she would like help getting organized with paying bills explain that you enjoy helping people with their finances and you have some ideas that would make the task easier # ask how the cr currently handles bills ask how he or she knows they are paid when the bills are paid where the old bills are kept etc keep the questions conversational so that the cr will not feel as though this is an interrogation # compliment all organization techniques that the cr currently uses and incorporate as many of them as possible in the plan # set up brightly colored folder or box where all bills go when they arrive in the mail label it clearly with a felt-tipped marker bills to pay # label second folder or box bills paid put currently unpaid bills in the bills to pay folder # ask the cr if you can sit with him or her while he or she writes the checks for the bills suggest he or she write paid on the bill stubs that are paid and put them into the bills paid folder as the cr does them # ask where older paid bills go so that they can be stored for tax purposes etc suggest using the third folder to transfer older bills to when the next bill is paid label this file records suggest a bigger box to store bills of years past # suggest to the cr that you can help on a regular schedule if he or she would find this helpful or you can check in occasionally and see how things are going

Materials: Felt-tipped markers in and out mail trays pens and pencils file box three strikingly colored file folders or three paper-sized boxes of different colors

Categories: None

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

A Care recipient (cr) is defensive during bathing and may strike out at the caregiver

Try: Before taking cr to the shower or tub wet the tube sock and tie it with a very tight knot in the middle leave the tube sock in bathing shower area upon entering the bath or shower ask the cr to assist you by untying the knot proceed with washing

Materials: One tube sock

Categories: None

Information: The sock focuses the cr’s attention and may lessen the tendency to strike out a wet tube sock is much more difficult to unknot than a dry tube sock

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed