Try: # write a job description which lists all of the functions that you will want the companion caregiver to fulfill the job description should also list the skills knowledge experience and abilities that are necessary for the successful performance of the job # recruit and interview candidates based on the qualifications specified in the job description #after narrowing down the candidate pool to one or two candidates perform background checks on those remaining candidates ensure that you have their signed authorization permitting you to do so #when you have chosen your one final candidate and he has passed the backgound checks you should offer him the job in writing via an employment contract he may wish to negotiate the terms in the contract so don’t assume that if you offer the contract that his sole options will be to sign it or to walk away if the individual does wish to negotiate with you about the terms and conditions of employment in his contract listen with an open mind and seek compromise where possible #when the contract is signed and the employment formally begins train the companion caregiver thoroughly spend a few days with the companion caregiver to orient him her to the tasks of the job and how you or the elder wish for those tasks to be handled after training is completed provide prompt feedback when actual work performance deviates from expected work performance praise work performance that meets expectations show up unannounced periodically just to make sure that things are going well even when you are not expected to be there if possible ask questions of the elder when the companion caregiver is absent to determine if the elder is satisfied with the care provided by the companion caregiver meet with the companion caregiver at regular intervals determined jointly by you and the companion caregiver to discuss the job and how it it’s going #after a brief introductory period usually 30 days provide the companion caregiver with a brief performance evaluation ensure that work is being done as expected by you and or the elder where there are differences between the work being performed and the expectations of the work performance determine what differences are can-do issues and what differences are will-do issues can-do issues are differences that are caused by the companion caregiver caregiver’s inability to perform as expected i e an inability to lift the elder out of bed will-do issues are differences that are caused by the companion caregiver caregiver’s unwillingness to perform as expected at this point training on routine tasks should not be needed as the companion caregiver has been performing these tasks for 30 days and any performance problems have been redirected throughout the 30 days based on the can-do and will-do assessment which may need to be determined through discussion with the companion caregiver you will need to determine whether to continue to employ the companion caregiver # if the decision is made to retain the companion caregiver the introductory period will end and regular employment will begin information references "hiring elder companions caregivers " available at www care4hire com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Elder care caregiver companion home care hiring a caregiver caregiver tasks caregiver responsibilities contract job description
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed