Try: When you are a caregiver who also has a full-time job as well as raising a family you are being pulled in several different directions at once which everyone wanting a "piece of the pie " this situation most often creates a "stress overload " statistics show that the average caregiver of an elderly parent is a 46 year old female with a full time job and 61 also have children and family responsibilities the u s department of labor estimates that nearly 54 of workforce employees are caregivers for an elderly parent stress related health issues for working caregivers has risen 27 two-thirds of caregivers have conflict arising from demands at home and demands from employers caregivers spend more time caregiving than they do at their job which results in a lower take home salary reduction in benefits missing out on promotions and travel and sometimes loss of their job altogether in essence a caregiver has two full time jobs this means that the caregiver has trouble engaging in stress relieving activities there simple isn’t enough time here are some suggestions to help ease the stress overload have a talk with and enlist the help of family members involve them in creating a workable plan to cut down on stress set aside personal time with your spouse and children each day – even if it is just a few minutes make it a part of your routine and stick to it involve children in planning and delegating the daily household chores remind them that less time spent on daily chores means more time for togetherness approach your employer and discuss possible flex time schedules or maybe working from home several hours a week be open honest and willing to compromise in order to make the work care situation run more smoothly for everyone concerned when trying to come up with a plan make sure that your needs are covered as well as everyone else’s references adapted in part from boomers with elderly parents information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed