The care giver cg needs tips on how to talk to the Care recipient (cr) about not driving anymore

Try: Respond calmly to the cr’s responses to ensure a productive discussion and defuse negative emotions about the topic do not postpone the conversation because of fear or guilt be prepared to have several conversations before driving stops remember that it’s more important to avoid accidents or death than to avoid unpleasant topics conversation starter could include i’m glad that you’ve cut down on night driving i would never want you to drive when you’re not comfortable or feel that it it’s too risky have you asked your doctor about the effects of your new medication on your driving have you asked your doctor about the effects of your new medication on your driving that was a close call yesterday i worry about your safety on the road i’m worried about your getting lost even if you were not at fault in a collision you could be seriously injured or die i know you would feel terrible if someone was hurt when you were driving i’m afraid to let the grandchildren ride with you let let’s talk with your doctor about this

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support, Communication, Maintenance, Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Hearing, So-So Hearing, Poor Hearing

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from mit agelab and aarp 2009 is it time to talk to dad about his driving available at

Keywords: Communication unsafe driving talking about not driving difficult conversations

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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