Try: On the web there are several internet sources available to help locate hospice care in a specific location the national hospice and palliative care organization at www nhpco org and the hospice association of america at www nahc org haa are good starting points for a search ask around friends neighbors and relatives who have had good experiences with a particular hospice provider may also be invaluable resources check with the local office on aging staff members may be able to direct you to reputable hospice care providers to find your local office on aging do an internet search using your state name and office on aging as the search words talk with medical staff for older people who are already enmeshed in the medical system or who are receiving care through a hospital or skilled nursing facility the best way to find appropriate hospice care is to talk with the medical staff to get their opinions and suggestions information references "hospice care the basics " available at www nolo com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: End of life hospice health care at home
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed