Try: It is very important if you are a caregiver to keep in touch with your feelings if you are experiencing feelings of loneliness panic depression uselessness or self-pity try to identify the situations that bring on these feelings work out the feelings rather than trying to ignore them here is a helpful checklist to go over when you experience some of these emotions prepare for the future but take one day at a time focus your attention on the situations that you have control over and don’t worry or stress about events that you cannot control don’t try to do everything yourself even if you think no one else can do quite as good a job as you can be realistic about your abilities and your limitations the care recipient’s cr’s needs and abilities may change on a day to day basis find the rewards in each day and enjoy and share all of the memories take time out and step away from the caregiving responsibilities on a regular basis you need time to regroup recharge and refresh yourself in order to be a more effective caregiver set limits on what you can and cannot do don’t stretch yourself too thin in any one area because ultimately it will spread out and affect other areas of your caregiving don’t be too hard on yourself forgive your own limitations and mistakes do the very best that you can to the very best of your abilities and realize that this is all anyone expects of you keep your attitude positive and your sense of humor intact make sure you have enough personal time and a personal space of your own in which to enjoy it even if it is just an overstuffed chair with good lighting and a favorite book to pick up from time to time keep up with your hobbies and activities as much as possible don’t hesitate to seek outside support and assistance pat yourself on the back and be proud of the job you are doing reference adapted from aging parents – the family survival guide
Materials: n/a
Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Emotional Psychological
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed