Try: If all else fails in trying to get other family members to help out with caregiving tasks an option for getting past stressful communication is family mediation a relatively new concept mediation is an informal process in which a neutral third party sits down to help people in conflict to better understand their individual interests and needs so that they can agree upon a workable solution to the problem mediation helps to empower families to come up with their own solutions, and the end result is that it’s often easier to stick with a decision that you’ve had a part in making to find a mediator contact your local senior center or area agency on aging even if you’re successful in achieving a better distribution of responsibility it’s important to communicate communicate communicate hold regular family meetings to assure that all siblings are updated with the care recipient’s condition and changes to the plan of care let them know how much their help is needed, and appreciated information references "getting your siblings to help with caregiving" by linda hepler 2008 available at www dlife com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Legal
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Caregiving help family siblings sister brother sharing responsibility respite burnout family conflicts mediation
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed