Hospice provides an alternative to the traditional medical care that hospitals and nursing facilities commonly provide toward the end of a person’s life in hospice…

Try: Hospice provides an alternative to the traditional medical care that hospitals and nursing facilities commonly provide toward the end of a person’s life in hospice the goal is shifted from attempting to cure an illness or performing life-saving measures to keeping a person as comfortable and free of pain as possible in addition to providing a seriously ill patient with care and comfort hospice services often extend to his or her family members and friends — involving and training them in giving care and providing breaks and counseling services to those who need them if a person meets certain criteria medicare and most insurance plans cover hospice care where hospice care is provided many people think of hospice as care provided at home and that is generally the case but it may also be given in a hospital nursing home or separate hospice facility because hospice care is focused on easing pain rather than radical medical intervention it usually does not require sophisticated or cumbersome machinery such as life-support systems or dialysis devices types of hospice care medical care — a hospice doctor generally oversees and coordinates the care sometimes working in tandem with a patient patient’s primary care physician nursing care — provided either around-the-clock if needed or sporadically for check-ups or special services such as administering injections help with daily needs such as bathing cooking or cleaning visits from a religious counselor if requested counseling services both for the patient and for family members social services support such as help with insurance and financial matters respite care to provide breaks and rest time for caregivers especially family members medical supplies and equipment — such as hospital beds bedside commodes wheelchairs and oxygen medications to help control pain and symptoms physical speech dietary and occupational therapists and bereavement care following a death information references "hospice care the basics " available at www nolo com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: End of life hospice health care at home

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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