Try: You may feel more secure and have less agitation and anxiety if you stick to a regular schedule use the same substitute cg when you are physically away from cg and go to the same environment when you are away from the cr’s living quarters break the 16 hours of respite in periods that meet your needs for example if you usually have lunch with a friend at the same time each week set us a schedule for the respite caregiver that takes that into consideration if part of the 16 hours will be spent in the cr’s living quarters retreat to your room or partitioned space if the cr is at home in order to get a break from the stress of caregiving tell the respite caregiver that you should not be contacted or called for consultation until after the scheduled time has lapsed let the substitute caregiver manage the cr do not intervene one exception to this rule is emergency situations listen and observe the respite caregiver if you uncover a concern or have suggestions for what works better discuss it later with him or her when you are not in the presence of the cr strive for bilateral respect harmony and trust between yourself and the respite caregiver
Materials: Trusted reliable person and or agency that can care for the cr 16 hours every week a room or partitioned space in the care recipient’s cr’s living quarters that is solely for the cr’s use ideally the room would have the following a door for the cg’s privacy comfortable chair desk lamps comfortable daybed television earphones closet private bathroom access
Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Maintenance, Personal, Social, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Rest getting a break time out
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed