Care recipient’s cr may have nutritional needs that differ from a normal person an appropriate diet can lead to a better quality of life for…

Try: Care recipient’s cr may have nutritional needs that differ from a normal person an appropriate diet can lead to a better quality of life for the cr the following is a list of suggested nutritional guidelines for an elderly cr fruit – focus on whole fruits rather than juices for more fiber and vitamins and aim for around 1.5 to 2 servings each day veggies -choose anti-oxidant rich dark leafy greens such as kale spinach and broccoli as well as oranges and yellows such as carrots squash and yams try for 2 to 2.5 cups of veggies every day calcium – crs often need adequate calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures seniors need 1 200 mg of calcium a day through servings of milk yogurt or cheese grains -choose whole grains over processed white flour for more nutrients and a higher fiber count try for 6-7 ounces of grains each day and one ounce is about 1 slice of bread protein – most individuals need about 5 grams per pound of bodyweight simply divide your bodyweight in half to know how many grams you need vary your sources with more fish beans peas nuts eggs milk cheese and seeds be sure to include these important vitamins and minerals in the cr’s diet water – crs can be prone to dehydration because their bodies can lose some ability to regulate fluid levels and their sense of thirst is dulled vitamin b – after 50 the stomach produces less gastric acid making it difficult to absorb vitamin b-12, needed to help keep blood and nerves vital get the recommended daily intake 2 4 mcg of b12 from fortified foods or a vitamin vitamin d – the cr can get vitamin d through sun exposure and a few foods fatty fish egg yolk and fortified milk with age the cr’s skin is less efficient at synthesizing vitamin d so consult a doctor about supplementing with fortified foods or a multivitamin note if the cr has a specific medical condition consult a physician regarding the cr’s diet information references

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Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support, Medical Physical, Taste

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Diet nutrition food

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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