Try: Post phone numbers for the following agencies next to cr cr’s telephone or a place where they can easily be seen by anyone the 911 number for emergencies medical fire or police the physician physician’s number emergency and office number the name and number of the hospital the physician and cr prefer the number of the home health agency if one is currently making visits to the home the poison center phone number the 24-hour number of the medical or oxygen supplier if one is being used the telephone number where you can be reached
Materials: Paper and pen
Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support, Medical Physical
Information: Signed by cr keep a list of all medications both prescribed and over-the-counter being used the same medications that are helpful in easing pain stopping infection controlling heart rate and keeping people healthy can also cause serious problems if more than one doctor is prescribing medications it is important to keep each doctor aware of the drugs that are being taken keep doctor s informed by taking all cr’s drugs in a paper or plastic bag or taking a list of all cr’s drugs to each doctor it may be helpful to have one pharmacist fill all of cr’s prescriptions to prevent taking drugs that interact and cause problems talk with the pharmacist before using over-the-counter or non-prescription drugs they can cause problems if you find the medicine schedule confusing or difficult to follow ask the pharmacist about preparing all medicines in blister packs
References: caregiver’s handbook by the caregiver education and support services seniors counseling and training case management services of the san diego county mental health services no date available at www acsu buffalo edu
Keywords: Emergency substitute care giver
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed