Try: Can you tour the inpatient unit or residential facility prior to admission what is your first impression of facility facility’s outward appearance is location convenient for family members to visit and is this encouraged hospice philosophy always values family involvement what are the program program’s policies regarding when inpatient care is appropriate and where is such care provided is care provided in hospital nursing home or hospice facility what are the requirements for inpatient admission and if short-term care provided how long can patients stay in-patient hospice care is usually provided on short-term basis how and when is the initial needs assessment done is there an ongoing process for assessing a resident resident’s need for services and how often are those needs evaluated is there a written plan of care for each resident describing available services and are residents and families involved in care planning process what type of care regarding pain and symptom management is provided as is most common cause for inpatient care what happens if the patient no longer needs inpatient care but not well enough to return home can hospice care be resumed at home are physical occupational or speech therapy services available onsite or contracted out who coordinates these services and how are they billed to medicare medicaid or other third party insurance what hospitals and local nursing homes contract with the hospice for inpatient care what kind of follow-up does the hospice provide for those patients does the hospice provide similar amount of nursing social work and nursing aide care for each patient in the nursing home as it does in the home setting are religious services held on the premises or arrangements made for nearby services what percentage of the rooms beds is available is there a waiting list if so how long do they estimate it will take to be admitted does a staff physician visit the resident regularly for medical checkups or can resident his have own personal physician are all or most of inpatient care and services reimbursed through medicare part a-hospital and those medicaid eligible as this is customary are there co-payment fees most private insurance reimburse for hospice but verify what portion they will cover is a written contractual agreement available that clearly discloses healthcare accommodations personal care and supportive services all fees and admission and discharge policies does handling of payment and billing seem reasonable information references "hospice " available at www carepathways com
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Caregiver Needs&Support, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: In-patient hospice checklist interview hiring help
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed