Try: All caregivers need some type of break to reduce stress restore energy and maintain good health taking short breaks is an important part of the caregiving challenge respite care is meant to be a short-term option to use before the caregiver gets exhausted overwhelmed or starts to suffer because of social isolation respite care benefits the Care recipient (cr) by allowing him or her to continue receiving care while the caregiver gets a short break identify respite care needs before you try to find a respite caregiver you must first identify the respite care needs consider both the needs of the cr and yourself when looking for respite care options for example does the cr need help with bathing toileting cooking cleaning grocery shopping someone to talk to transportation to scheduled appointments etc do you need a full day off or just a couple of hours when would you likely need this time off daytime afternoons evenings nighttime etc options for respite care it is important to consider the various options available for respite care before you look for a respite caregiver ask family members to help out if at all possible be open and honest about your need for some type of relief from the demands of day-to-day caregiving give family members options to help be specific in your requests and match the requests to the individual family member’s abilities and schedule look into organizing some type of a local co-op respite care group that will allow you to possibly trade respite care with other caregivers use in-home services if at all possible both agencies and volunteers provide these services check to see what services are available in your area and research to see which provides the respite care that you need adult day care centers provide personal care as well as planned activities during the day this can be a very good option for caregivers who work full time during the day residential care facilities provide respite care for different lengths of time for example you may want to make arrangements for limited two week stay while you are away on a vacation or business locate and attend a support group in your area helpful tips to ease the transition to a respite caregiver respite relief needs to be regularly planned and scheduled give respite caregivers to a checklist that lists the cr cr’s preferred routines likes and dislikes medical history and prescriptions emergency contact information and any behavior challenges that might be encountered always have a "plan b" if for some reason the regular respite care plan has to be changed at the last minute enjoy each respite opportunity take full advantage of the time off and try not to waste time don’t allow yourself to feel guilt or shame for taking a break you need to take care of yourself so that you can provide quality care for the care recipient references adapted in part from the internet website www helpguide org key words caregiver burnout getting a break from caregiving getting your life back stress management
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Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support
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*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed