Unusual or strange behavior involves performing actions that are not normal for the Care recipient (cr) there are many causes of unusual or strange behavior…

Try: Unusual or strange behavior involves performing actions that are not normal for the Care recipient (cr) there are many causes of unusual or strange behavior including medical and psychiatric illnesses two of the more common medical causes are delirium — sudden or quick onset of reduced consciousness awareness perception or thought that may be a symptom of a medical illness such as brain or mental dysfunction dementia — chronic worsening loss of cognitive function that occurs with brain disorders psychiatric illnesses that are often associated with unusual or strange behavior include; anxiety disorder; bipolar disorder; depression; psychosis; schizophrenia possible causes of strange behavior in the Care recipient (cr) include alcohol consumption in excess alzheimer alzheimer’s disease chronic exposure to cold hypothermia dehydration hypoglycemia electrolyte abnormality emotional problems depression or feeling useless head injury heart attack pulmonary embolism stroke infection including pneumonia gastroenteritis urinary tract infection malnutrition particularly vitamin b12 and thiamine deficiency medications sleeping pills pain relievers thyroid disorders unfamiliar surroundings information references www nlm nih gov

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Strange behavior causes

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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