Try: Some care recipients crs with dementia may have problems with verbal noises this may include yelling screaming repetition of recognizable words speaking nonsense talking incoherently moaning and whistling this behavior is often disturbing to others and the meaning or significance may be unclear the following are potential causes of verbal noise problems in the cr with dementia physiological or medical causes hunger incontinence needing to go to the bathroom fatigue needing to change position in bed or wheelchair vision or hearing loss impaired ability to speak or be understood acute medical problems environmental causes noise overstimulation use of physical restraints behavior of others usch as aggression screaming and verbal abuse that cause the cr to be upset afraid or feel threatened other causes uncomfortable procedures such as enemas catherization bathing or dressing where the cr may feel exposed the purpose of oral hygiene is not understood touching turning and repositioning the cr cr is uncomfortable or misunderstood cr is afraid anxious and feels threatened cr feels a need for attention or is frustrated cr is bored and lacks stimulation information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed