Try: Rudeness is a display of inappropriate behavior when proper social etiquette is not followed rude behavior can be an issue with any individual or age group however rude behavior is frequently exhibited by elderly persons while elderly persons may suffer from lapses in social etiquette they are not necessarily trying to be rude rudeness can be simply a result of the individual’s temperament or personality however it can also be the result of changes in the brain or mental processes over time changes in the brain can potentially weaken an elderly individual’s ability to determine appropriate behavior and communication if rudeness is a problem for the Care recipient (cr) you can try this remove the cr from the situation if the rudeness is being directed at others who are bothered by the behavior however this should be done tactfully so that the cr is not embarrased by it provide a distraction or redirect the cr into another activity when the cr is in a relaxed state of mind kindly and gently discuss the rude behavior and why it is inappropriate continue monitoring and coaching the cr to modify the rude behavior this may or may not work depending on the cr cr’s specific circumstances there may be causes for the behavior that are out of the cr cr’s control encourage the cr to get regular checkups with the doctor to rule out any medical causes for the rude behavior information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Social, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Behavior temperment
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed