Try: Learn something new study a foreign language learn sign language practice a musical instrument read the newspaper or a good book or take up a new hobby new activities stimulate the brain differently practice memorization start with something short progressing to something a little more involved have the cr sreate rhymes and patterns to strengthen brain pathways enjoy strategy games puzzles and riddles brain teasers and strategy games provide a great mental workout and build r capacity to form and retain cognitive associations have the cr play a board game or do a cross word practice the 5 w’s observe and report like a crime detective keep a who what where when and why list of daily experiences at the end of the day follow the road less traveled take a new route eat with your non-dominant hand rearrange your computer file system varying habits can be an important brain activity
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Cognitive Intellectual, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: Helpguide org
Keywords: Dementia memory mental
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed