Try: Depression is fairly common with care recipients crs caregivers cgs often can’t tell the difference between depression and dementia because they have similar symptoms including memory problems sluggish speech and movements and low motivation the list of symptoms shown below may help the cg distinguish between the two before moving forward to find an appropriate intervention symptoms of depression cr cr’s mental decline is relatively rapid cr knows the correct time date and where he or she is cr has difficulty concentrating cr cr’s language and motor skills are slow but normal cr notices or worries about memory problems symptoms of dementia cr cr’s mental decline happens slowly cr becomes confused disoriented and gets lost in familiar locations cr has difficulty with short-term memory cr cr’s writing speaking and motor skills are impaired cr doesn’t notice memory problems or seem to care information references adapted from www helpguide org
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological, Medical Physical, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Depression symptoms dementia
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed