Try: Offer to take out the trash and offer to do some cleaning for the cr you can also offer to pay for someone to come in a cr will generally turn you down but you may be able to make some headway once he realizes you are genuinely there to help ask permission before throwing out anything hoarders have an overdeveloped since of ownership and can become excessively attached to seemingly worthless things such as junk mail or decades-old catalogs if you are to make a difference you must not breach the cr’s trust and remove items without permission work gently towards the goal of cleaning up most hoarders are aware that there is a problem with their lifestyle but are so overwhelmed they do not know where to begin work in small doses and ease them into parting with certain items call social services if you are far away or cannot get to the cr cr’s home as often as you’d like and report the cr as a vulnerable adult many states will not help an individual who can still drive or fix his own meals however you can ask for an interview to be held to assess the cr’s needs be prepared to accept that the hoarder may not take any help at all if she won’t and the state will not intervene then be prepared to come to terms with her living conditions and allow her to live the life she has chosen
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological
Information: n/a
References: Ehow com
Keywords: Compulsion hoarding
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed