Try: Remove things in the cr’s environment that can be misinterpreted as something else like patterned wallpaper or bright contrasting surfaces or objects increase lighting to reduce the number of shadows coming into a room reduce glare in rooms remove or cover mirrors with a white bed sheet if the cr seems bothered by them keep as much of the cr’s environment the same don’t let the cr to watch violent movies or television programs don’t argue with the cr about a fantasy he she is having talk to the cr about his her feelings when they are having a fantasy respond to the emotions the cr is feeling during a fantasy don’t respond to the factual or fictional content of the fantasy
Materials: Extra lamps for rooms window blinds or shades white bed sheet
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from doug russell suzanne barston and monika white 2007 alzheimer’s behavior management managing common symptoms and problems available at
Keywords: Fantasies sees things hears things imagines things hallucinates delusions
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed