Try: Observe the cr cr’s body language when being spoken to or when around other people this may give you a clue as to why the cr is withdrawing keep the cr in familiar surroundings if possible keep the cr in quiet environments if possible play soft music in the background to provide a comfortable environment for the cr avoid large groups encourage the cr to engage in conversations or activities with only one or two people at a time involve the cr in quiet activities that he or she may enjoy involve the cr in conversations about subjects of interest for example discuss the cr cr’s life stories family and favorite memories gradually add more people to the activities and slowly increase the number and duration of the activities try to come up with creative ideas for the daily activities that would be enjoyed by the cr and all of the other participants for example go for a drive in the car visit a familiar place in the area or go out to a restaurant accept the cr for who he or she is and be realistic about what activities can be done safely over time work on developing positive rapport and trust with the cr
Materials: n/a
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Social
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Withdrawn withdrawal dropping out reclusive inactive lethargic stupor unsocial
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed